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messaggi recenti

Autore: Post 205, Inc. 12 marzo 2019
I was looking at old photos and I saw an image of myself, from a time before I re-found my faith.
Autore: Post 205, Inc. 12 marzo 2019
It is not easy to see the world through another person's eyes, and we must strive to do that every day.
Autore: Post 205, Inc. 12 marzo 2019
Use your voice and live by your actions. It is not an easy path, but it is the right one.
Autore: Post 205, Inc. 12 marzo 2019
I was looking at old photos and I saw an image of myself, from a time before I re-found my faith.
Autore: Post 205, Inc. 12 marzo 2019
It is not easy to see the world through another person's eyes, and we must strive to do that every day.
Autore: Post 205, Inc. 12 marzo 2019
Use your voice and live by your actions. It is not an easy path, but it is the right one.

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